- 医薬品等適性広告基準{いやくひん とう てきせい こうこく きじゅん}
code of fair practices in the advertising of drug and related product 意味
- "code of etiquette about when and where it's ok to use cell-phone" 意味
- "code of etiquette about when and where it's ok to use cellular phone" 意味
- "code of etiquette about when and where it's ok to use mobile" 意味
- "code of etiquette about when and where it's ok to use mobile-phone" 意味
- "code of fair competition" 意味
- "code of federal regulations" 意味
- "code of good practice" 意味
- "code of hammurabi" 意味
- "code of honor" 意味
- "code of etiquette about when and where it's ok to use mobile-phone" 意味
- "code of fair competition" 意味
- "code of federal regulations" 意味
- "code of good practice" 意味